"Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings."
A selection of published work in various national and international media:
- Grande Reportagem (Portugal)
- Noticias Sábado/Jornal de Noticias (Portugal)
- Noticias Magazine/Jornal de Noticias (Portugal)
- Jornal Público (Portugal)
- Jornal i (Portugal)
- Vice Magazine (Portugal)
- New York Times (U.S.A.)
- International Herald Tribune (U.S.A.)
- Courrier International/French Edition (France)
- Le Monde/M le Magazine de Le Monde (France)
- Télérama (France)
- L´Obs (France)
Website - www.mediautopia.org | www.jpmarnoto.com
Director - João Pedro Marnoto
Mobile - 00 351 91 71 66 028
Email - jpmarnoto@gmail.com
Executive Producer - Eduarda Freitas
Mobile - 00 351 96 15 38 829
Email - info@mediautopia.org
Based at Porto, Portugal.
João Pedro
João Pedro Marnoto has developed along the years a work within the grounds of documentary photography while using it towards a means of personal exploration. Extending his tools of trade from still into moving image, his approach intents to be an intimate exercise of awareness and consciousness, where instinct reflects upon reason and vice-versa, with his projects reflecting on issues of identity and the human condition within an environmental and sociological perspective. Working with Editorial, Institutional, Corporative and NG´s entities, such as the New York Times, Le Monde, the Douro Museum, Graham´s Port and Doctors of the World, with the intent of developing projects on a wider scale and reach, regarding the creation of contents but also its diffusion, he therefore has been collaborating alongside a group of trusty and capable professionals of different tools and fields of creativity, setting up a platform that goes by the name of MediaUtopia.
"With nearly twenty years of professional practice, his approach intents to be an intimate exercise of awareness and consciousness, with his projects reflecting on issues of identity
and the human condition within an environmental and sociological perspective."
Young Looks on the Old World
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Young Looks on the Old World, a photo workshop with youngsters from Spain, Portugal and Greece countryside, portraying both the similarities that unite and the differences that distinguish them.
MediaUtopia is born of the desire to do better, to aim for perfection, to overcome the impossible. And even knowing the limits that reality imposes, our challenge is to find solutions to materialize ideas. The best possible, always.
MediaUtopia nasce da vontade de querer fazer melhor, de almejar a perfeição, de ultrapassar os impossíveis. E mesmo sabendo dos limites que a realidade impõe, o desafio é o de procurar soluções para concretizar ideias. O melhor possível, sempre.
Founded by João Pedro Marnoto, and with almost twenty years of professional practice, MediaUtopia is a multimedia company, which has its genesis in photography, but extended the tools of work into video.
From the classic printing on paper, through the cinema screen and television, to the current reality of digital platforms, it is the result of a multidisciplinary, dedicated and experienced team that develops work in different stages of creation, such as: script & storyboard, direction of photography, sound and image recording, post-production, graphic animation, locution, music, copywrite, communication, graphic & webdesign.

At MediaUtopia it is possible to:
• Develope Projects in the area of ​​documentary and culture, addressing relevant issues of contemporary society;
• Produce work for various Clients, for both corporate, promotional, comercial and institutional purposes.
• Create Editorial work for press, book Publishing and Presentations in both exhibition and projecting formats.

Having worked with clients such as the New York Times, Unesco, Douro Museum and Graham's, and having received awards such as the Best Portuguese Documentary at Cine'Eco International Environmental Film Festival and two Gold Awards at Graphic Advertising Annual, is the belief, passion and dedication that makes it possible to create works of excellence, in a vision that is always ambitious and unique, and thus honor the trust that is deposited to us.
direction of photography
projecting formats.
Photography | Video | Documentary | Commercial | Corporate | Institutional | Editorial
Storytelling | Motion Graphics | Publishing | Exhibition | Internet | Copywrite | Communication | Graphic Design
MediaUtopia is a multimedia colective born of the will to do better, to aim for perfection, to overcome the impossible. And even knowing the limits that reality imposes, the challenge is to find solutions to materialize ideas. The best possible, always.
Founded by João Pedro Marnoto, and with almost twenty years of professional practice, it develops work from classic printing, through cinema and television, to the current reality of digital platforms, being the result of a multidisciplinary, dedicated and experienced team.
In a increasingly digital world where visual Storytelling is a fundamental element of value in any entity of any size and shape, thus the aim of combining emotion & information efficiently, MediaUtopia develops works from concept all the way to its full execution.
Having clients such as the New York Times, Unesco, Douro Museum and Graham's, and received award as Best Portuguese Documentary at Cine'Eco International Film Festival and two Gold Awards at Graphis Advertising Annual (USA), it is the belief, passion and dedication that makes it possible to create works of excellence, in a vision that is always ambitious and unique, and thus honor the trust that is deposited into us.
knowing the crucial role that visual Storytelling has in today´s world
the communication of any entity.
in a increasingly digital world where visual Storytelling is a fundamental element of communication of any entity
Storytelling | Motion Graphics | Web&Graphic Design | Printing | Publishing | Exhibition | Distribution | Production